Supporting Professional Healthcare
to ensure Quality and Safety
in medication based treatment.

What is Quantum Satis?
Quantum Satis is a powerful medication evaluation tool which supports medication decisions at the point of delivery. It reveals sets of indicators/criteria including the identification of potential drug-drug conflicts, helping to prevent ADRs.
Why use Quantum Satis?
Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) are among the leading causes of additional complications and longer hospital stays, morbidity and mortality.
It has been estimated that ADRs are the 4th largest cause for mortality in the USA, resulting in the deaths of several thousand patients each year.
How does Quantum Satis work?
Quantum Satis uses powerful and innovative AI to identify patterns and correlations deep within drug and healthcare datasets from multiple regional, national or international sources.
It combines this analysis with patient data and symptoms to provide a personalised indication of potential for concern or improvement at the point of care.
Where is Quantum Satis used?
Quantum Satis is currently deployed in private and public healthcare settings in Sweden, and currently in development for utilisation globally.
Who is Quantum Satis for?
Healthcare providers, Nurses, Pharmacologists, Pharmacists, Physicians; Care-givers, Patients and Relatives can together ensure potential drug-related problems can be quickly identified, prevented and resolved.
With modules for analysis, monitoring and evaluation, Quantum Satis traverses healthcare and brings decision support to all frontline healthcare and pharma professionals.
It also provides a user-friendly interactive version for individuals, their carers and family members to complement and empower their own healthcare provision.
What is Quantum Satis?
Quantum Satis is a powerful medication evaluation tool which supports medication decisions at the point of delivery. It reveals sets of indicators/criteria including the identification of potential drug-drug conflicts, helping to prevent ADRs.
Why use Quantum Satis?
How does Quantum Satis work?
Quantum Satis uses powerful and innovative AI to identify patterns and correlations deep within drug and healthcare datasets from multiple regional, national or international sources.
It combines this analysis with patient data and symptoms to provide a personalised indication of potential for concern or improvement at the point of care.
Who is Quantum Satis for?
Healthcare providers, Nurses, Pharmacologists, Pharmacists, Physicians; Care-givers, Patients and Relatives can together ensure potential drug-related problems can be quickly identified, prevented and resolved.
With modules for analysis, monitoring and evaluation, Quantum Satis traverses healthcare and brings decision support to all frontline healthcare and pharma professionals.
It also provides a user-friendly interactive version for individuals, their carers and family members to complement and empower their own healthcare provision.
The massive Adverse Drug Reaction problem encountered globally by healthcare organisations
Annual rise in hospital admissions due to ADRs
United Kingdom
Globally, preventable medication errors cost over $1 trillion each year, of which the U.S. economy alone incurs $21 billion.
Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) are among the leading causes of additional complications and longer hospital stays, morbidity and mortality.
It has been estimated that ADRs are the 4th largest cause for mortality in the USA, resulting in the deaths of several thousands of patients each year. National USA Vital Statistics System data showed that from 1999 to 2006, the rate of ADR-related deaths increased from 0.08 to 0.12 per 100,000 persons.
It is estimated that up to 70% of ADRs leading to emergency department visits are preventable, with some countries spending up to 15-20% of their healthcare budgets treating otherwise avoidable ADRs.
The strain that ADRs place on the health care system is significant yet preventable.
Answers hidden in plain sight
Every healthcare organisation has access to vast quantities of data – from nationally available datasets, current and historic data from your own organisation and patient information and symptoms. Across these datasets, and buried deep within them, is critical information that can powerfully inform decision making and personalised drug and treatment development.
The difficulty is that analysing such large data sets is not possible at point of care. Even the knowledge and instinct of highly experienced practitioners cannot process or short cut such an analysis.
Quantum Satis
Quantum Satis brings powerful AI to your datasets and can recognise potentially vital information and collate it into a clear and tailored analysis of the patient’s existing or proposed drug constellation. It provides fast and intelligent evaluation on the quality of current or proposed drug treatment at the point of delivery.
Alongside frontline healthcare practioners’ knowledge, experience and existing tools, the QS system provides real-time analysis of each individual’s unique combination of physiology, symptoms and drug regime.
With an intuitive and clear user interface, Quantum Satis reveals sets of indicators/criteria as well as potential ADRs. The criteria/indicators can be both drug specific (inappropriate drugs, drug duplication, drug-drug interactions etc) and diagnosis specific (drug-disease interactions, contraindications etc).
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A Quantum Satis for you…
Quantum Satis professionals
Organisations and trusts
An invaluable tool for drug research and development though the examination of correlations and interactions across multiple datasets, geographical sites and national boundaries.
Clinicians and practitioners
Fast and accurate cross-referencing across all your available datasets and patient information. Supports your clinical decisions and investigations and helps you maintain the highest quality healthcare to your patients. A cost effective method of adding value to private consultations.
For pharmacists
A highly accessible lookup tool for use at the point of delivery ensuring drug-drug interaction and duplication data is identified. Just one lookup required across all the datasets available.
Health Insurance
A valuable risk management tool that can be applied remotely and dramatically reduces costly hospitalisations through ADRs as well as providing incremental cost benefits through the elimination of drug duplication.
Quantum Satis for individuals
Patients, Families and Carers
User friendly version to empower your decisions and support your healthcare team. Reports are designed to be easily understood and utilised by individuals without any medical training or experience.
Quantum Satis (formerly MiniQ) award success
Award for research with prominent potential for business
in the field of digitalisation

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One to one consultations: At it’s heart, Quantum Satis is an analysis engine designed for use in a clinical or dispensing setting to safely provide the highest quality medication based treatment to individual patients.
Organisation-wide: the QS System can also be used strategically across whole organisations ensuring that the quality bar is raised whilst simultaneously driving down costs and risk. By ensuring every patient’s drug regime is analysed both at the point of care and as part of a verification exercise, a priority list of reviews can be drawn up and undertaken to reduce the potential for ADRs.
Research and development: With its innovative AI, Quantum Satis can be used within an R&D context to indicate the potential for conflict and thereby help to direct testing and development, streamlining the process to improve acceptance, mitigate risk, reduce development costs and save time.
Health insurance: Used systematically across all doctor/policyholder consultations, Quantum Satis can significantly reduce risk of cost escalation through ADR associated hospitalisation, medications or even litigation.
Individual patients, their carers and families: Having access to a valuable tool in your own healthcare is an extraordinarily powerful and empowering advance. Quantum Satis can provide a streamlined output to help facilitate a more informed patient/doctor dialogue and allows further examination through access to the full Quantum Satis facility.